Spot on . The world is changing for the better. Unfortunately, America is not part of this new order. Israel and America are rogue states.

America is drowning in oligarchy and military overreach.

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A well known analyst, Jamal Khoury, had a very similar view about a month ago

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Thk u comrade

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The Arab league does not say a word about the self determination of a truly liberated Gaza and the right to choose their government themselves. Right after the „war“. Instead they’re promoting the Palestinian Authority - central in fighting the resistance and supporting ethnic cleansings in the Westbank on behalf of “Israel” - to govern the Gaza Strip. A Vichy regime of bribed collaborators and traitors of the Palestinian cause.

The Palestinians are perfectly able to govern themselves and there is no sign anybody would have to protect further resistance attacks on “Israel” if they have their own state liberated from the suffocating, genocidal so called Zionist „State of Israel“.

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The Arab League. Little league at best. A pack of useless people.I am of Arab descent. These leaders are feckless blobs. No wonder that a unified Arab /Muslim world scares the shit out of the axis of colonial rule.

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"Under the Egyptian plan, a Governance Assistance Mission would replace the Hamas-run government in Gaza for an unspecified interim period." Arab News.

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