For some people. Most of us are deeply ashamed of those we have put into power.

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A huge part if not the main part of the problem of the Israeli psyche lies in the impunity and indulgence of sickening sycophancy displayed by the US in tolerating and encouraging Israel’s outrageous behaviour over decades whilst applying impossibly high standards on Israel’s enemies .

The utter mawkish spineless display of amorality and hypocrisy of US politicians over decades indulging the psychopathic child that is Israel has truly led to the creation of a Monster not bound or tied by norms of behaviour . The result is before our eyes now . Rape , murder , torture , genocide , infanticide . Openly declared . Openly justified .

Make no mistake folks this is just the beginning of a very long and horrific process of degeneration which won’t stay within Israel’s borders . Massive ethnic cleansing is going to happen . There will be expansion into neighbouring countries and severe violence for the greater Israel project .

The only rational hope for the world is the Israeli state collapses from over reach and moral exhaustion. Any sane person today will wish such a state to collapse before it can create utter catastrophe for many millions. It is unconscionable to support Zionism . It is beyond redemption .

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I first saw a post on Threads and thought it was a satire. But suddenly I realized that their podcast was all about the complete annihilation of the Palestinian people. I felt sick to my stomach. I believe the entire society should be institutionalized. The entire rogue state must become an asylum for the mental deranged, deviant zios of Isra-hell on earth.

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To be filled with so much hate. To evolve a population of people that are driven by such immense fear that they will go to any length to torture & eradicate their enemy. As this fear & hatred manifests itself in massacres, colonization, oppression & 76 years of violence on the indigenous people of the stolen land. These chosen ones still believe they have every right to be so angry & vindictive. This is psychologically mind blowing to my understanding of how to treat others including every living thing on this planet.

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Sep 8·edited Sep 10Liked by Alon Mizrahi

2002 Professor Israel Shahak wrote "anyone who lives in Israel knows how deep and widespread the attitudes of hatred and cruelty towards all Gentiles are among the majority of Israeli Jews.

Jewish chauvinism and religious fanaticism (Ben Gvir Smotrich etc) is a much greater threat than that of antisemitism"

'Jewish History Jewish Religion'


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Great post, Alon! I think we live now in a nihilist world, at least Westerners do (and I count Israel as a member of that baleful fraternity). No values, really. Just an empty void in the soul. A lack of superego. You describe all this very well, and like another one of your commenters, I feel less alone knowing you and others see this too. How could we miss it, I suppose.

From a psychological standpoint (and I say this as someone who worked as a clinical psychologist for two decades), I see all this toxicity as a result of poisonous identifications from the group life these individuals were brought up and live in. It is very difficult to grow up in a settler state (and living in the US, that's how I grew up) and not drink in the false ideologies and pervasive psychological splitting that is the norm in such societies.

In Iraq, US soldiers called the people they bombed "bugsplat." In Vietnam, it was "gooks." The dehumanization of others is the end result of the massive splitting. I don't know how we stop it! Can even shards of remaining humanity be enough to nullify so much evil?

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The western society never had it. Ask the people of IndoChina, Africa, India and the rest. Europe has always been barbaric.

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To Zios balls of steel = calling for the annihilation of 7,000,000 civilians, a full one half of them children.

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"But the broader conversation is a lot more important than a couple of idiots with podcasting gear. " 👏🏻

That giggle is pure evil.

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Thank you, Alon. I cannot wrap my head around the daily evil that the Zionists have shown the world for 336 days. I feel less alone in the surrealness of it all whenever I read your posts. The darkness is incomprehensible to a normal person and honestly, I don’t want to join in the madness just to understand.

As Carl Jung said, “My own understanding is the sole treasure I possess, and the greatest. Though infinitely small and fragile in comparison with the powers of darkness, it is still a light, my only light.”

Stay sane, my friend❤️

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The latest episode of the YouTube show “Bad Hasbara” with Matt Lieb and Daniel Mate and guest Nora Barrows-Friedman had a very good and nuanced discussion about this. Basically following from Ilan Pappe and Sher Hever that this is zionism in its terminal stage. That we are witnessing Israeli society imploding from within and an inflated collective ego that only knows arrogance and impunity.

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Sep 6Liked by Alon Mizrahi

El freakos

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Sep 6Liked by Alon Mizrahi

These two American Israeli podcasts boys are sickening and disgusting. I don’t think that they are “scared” that something bad will happen to them and thus have emotional problems or whatever. These two assholes are just like the Israeli and American-Israeli dum shits that attacked the UCLA encampment last spring with bats and boards and toxic sprays. They terrorized the undergraduate students for something like 4-6 hours before anyone came to help them. LAPD was too busy. Don’t forget that USA police go to Israel for training all the time now. That’s why our local police forces are now armed to the teeth with weapons and military equipment and they have become militarized. Thanks to the state of Israel for that BS. Our tax dollars are paying for Israeli fascist and racist police to turn our own local police forces into horrible mean racist police forests with so many brute force weapons and chemical arsenals.

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Or this is an absolute absence of self-reflection - ¿did you hear what you just said? - and there are some written examples here on substack, too - or it is just implementing a script, an ideological guideline they got, and they are 100% convinced that there can't be another correct view.

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Thank you.

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