A diplomat once taught me one of the most important truths, Iran, Israel and the US are natural allies, were once best friends against the Arabs. I cannot see this attack going ahead. Perhaps there is very quiet Iranian influence into the White House, we shall see.
Ceasefire or no ceasefire; scam or no, we cannot allow Israel to escape the legal consequences of their war crimes. The Hind Rajab Foundation has, among other things, filed a case with the ICC against 1,000 Israeli soldiers for war crimes in Gaza.
They have taken further steps in recent days, and vacations are becoming a lot more difficult for IDF soldiers, worldwide. The Hind Rajab Foundation can use our help. Please join me in making a contribution.
You might find meaningful to watch the recent interviews that Glenn Greenwald did on his Rumble platform, and Ali Abunimah of the Electronic Intifada, did with the head of this organisation, Dyad Abou Jahjah. It was very informative.
Here's a petition calling for accountability for the arrest of Ali Abunimah in Switzerland:
DAWN has urged the ICC prosecutor to investigate and prosecute former President Biden, State Secretary Blinken and Defense Secretary Austin for their personal roles in aiding and abetting Israeli war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide in Gaza as part of his ongoing investigation into the situations in Palestine since 2014.
Angel Aaron, I disagree with you. The unConstitutional US Corporate Government don't want Peace. Trump don't want Peace. Otherwise he would not have agreed to send bombs for the Middle East. Tulsi, Pete H. Defense secretary are all seemingly about finishing the crusaders war. He even has written a book on it. The global bankers and the military industrial complex desires wars. That has not changed. Unless the people go Godward and God adjusts everything harmoniously.
I don't claim they have any noble aspirations like peace; they just want a controlled level of chaos, and that's impossible in the long term. Otherwise I agree with you
It feels like the run-up to Iraq. The venality, the dissembling. But this time the lunacy factor is squared and most media are seal clapping on their corporate rocks. What will happen will happen. We will live through it and after it. Right now we, even in our millions, are no match for the billions that have bought Western 'democratic' politics. Those we elect their fluffers in the war- porn industry.
The Europeans want to make $$ with arms sales. And the Zionists control all the European governments out of fear of being called "anti-Semites"! Hilarious!!! They don't even know what a real Semite is.
A diplomat once taught me one of the most important truths, Iran, Israel and the US are natural allies, were once best friends against the Arabs. I cannot see this attack going ahead. Perhaps there is very quiet Iranian influence into the White House, we shall see.
Very interesting, love the way you present your thoughts and match the despair with signs of hope
Was Assad a bit like the Tito of his country? We know what happened to the former Yugoslavia when his leadership ended.
Yes - and there are also echoes of the overthrow of Gaddafi
Ceasefire or no ceasefire; scam or no, we cannot allow Israel to escape the legal consequences of their war crimes. The Hind Rajab Foundation has, among other things, filed a case with the ICC against 1,000 Israeli soldiers for war crimes in Gaza.
They have taken further steps in recent days, and vacations are becoming a lot more difficult for IDF soldiers, worldwide. The Hind Rajab Foundation can use our help. Please join me in making a contribution.
You might find meaningful to watch the recent interviews that Glenn Greenwald did on his Rumble platform, and Ali Abunimah of the Electronic Intifada, did with the head of this organisation, Dyad Abou Jahjah. It was very informative.
Here's a petition calling for accountability for the arrest of Ali Abunimah in Switzerland:
Please sign the petition and share widely.
DAWN has urged the ICC prosecutor to investigate and prosecute former President Biden, State Secretary Blinken and Defense Secretary Austin for their personal roles in aiding and abetting Israeli war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide in Gaza as part of his ongoing investigation into the situations in Palestine since 2014.
Let’s give them our support.
Angel Aaron, I disagree with you. The unConstitutional US Corporate Government don't want Peace. Trump don't want Peace. Otherwise he would not have agreed to send bombs for the Middle East. Tulsi, Pete H. Defense secretary are all seemingly about finishing the crusaders war. He even has written a book on it. The global bankers and the military industrial complex desires wars. That has not changed. Unless the people go Godward and God adjusts everything harmoniously.
I don't claim they have any noble aspirations like peace; they just want a controlled level of chaos, and that's impossible in the long term. Otherwise I agree with you
Very emotional, very predictive, but scant evidence!
Can the change in American position on several critical issues be disputed?
We need Philosopher Kings again.
Thank you 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽
Thank you Alon!
It´s exactly how it feels like to me. But you found the right words to put it.
Thank you!
Thank you
And they've lost the plot (perennially), on top. 🤦
It feels like the run-up to Iraq. The venality, the dissembling. But this time the lunacy factor is squared and most media are seal clapping on their corporate rocks. What will happen will happen. We will live through it and after it. Right now we, even in our millions, are no match for the billions that have bought Western 'democratic' politics. Those we elect their fluffers in the war- porn industry.
Do you know about the Invoke the 6th" campaign to kick USA out of the UN. Their veto is against humanity.
The UN Charter needs to be re-activated, but the arms dealers hate peace.
I wish the US could be stopped without a war on Iran
The Europeans want to make $$ with arms sales. And the Zionists control all the European governments out of fear of being called "anti-Semites"! Hilarious!!! They don't even know what a real Semite is.