Expertly and harrowingly written.

"No country in memory defined victory as killing every member of its enemy’s military, regimes, and any formal establishment, and everyone within a blast radius around them."

I don't know if they defined it like that but the Na7is surely acted like that all over Byelorussia, Ukraine and Soviet Russia. The demonisation being 'ironically enough' that they are the Judeo-Bolshevist Untermensch (ring a bell? "fighting human animals" and all that)

"It is a unique Israeli invention. And no country since WW2 demonized an entire people with such international success. The guiltier the more accusatory, and the more murderous."

The german fascist invaders tried. The international solidarity is what made an abandonment of the Soviet Forces politically impossible and i hope it will be what now leads to the final and full freedom of all those living in the Land known as Palestine from the scourge of Zionism

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The bonkers thing (sorry: there is more than one bonkers thing) about all this is that when America was its “war on terror” with British help, by attacking Iraq for something Saudi Arabia did, Britain had just concluded (a few years earlier) our war on terror in Ireland, where we concluded, after about 70 years of experiments, that killing terrorists creates ten times as many terrorists as it destroys.

That’s [one of many] insane things about all this: Blair with his demonic grin creating the propaganda to sustain the American war on terror whilst at the same time with the other hand signing the Good Friday Agreement which is like a formal public acknowledgement that the best way to stop terrorists killing people is by talking to them.

We knew it wasn’t going to work even as we sent the tanks into Iraq (even if Iraq had been responsible).

But Netenyahu thinks he can transcend history; and it is very hard to continue this paragraph without getting into ideas about supermen and final solutions, so I’m going to stop there. Plenty of other people have previously made that connection, it is right there to be observed.

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Everyone should know that the Zionists were the chief perpetrators of 9/11.

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Sep 9Liked by Alon Mizrahi

By uploading all the entire blame onto Israel, you seemingly absolve the collective West from a very palpable culpability and share of accountability. The US/UK/EU are equally as guilty and reproachable in this genocide, it's American bombs that do the killing and American dollars that finance it, the UK/EU poodles follow along to do any other nefarious Zionist bidding. When the Israeli's are eventually hauled before a Nuremberg11 court, these co-conspirators must stand alongside them in the dock.

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Oh Séamus, I agree with you. I am disgusted in our Oz government - my next vote will reflect that.

I have learned a lot in these past months since last October.

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The world needs to take matters into their own hands and stop waiting for the West to take decisions. China and others of the Global Majority should have intervened long ago. The West is a big rotten sickness of this world and it needs to be cured.

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Thanks for adding this, but I have to say, on a personal note, that I find it a bit funny because often I'm being blamed of the opposite (namely not ascribing enoush responsibility to Israel)

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Sep 9Liked by Alon Mizrahi

Thankyou for this writing.

I am so frustrated at being only able to witness this absolute gen0c1de (because that is what it is). As an Aussie of Anglo decent, I have had no investment in this previously beyond being a distant observer.

But now, thanks to social media, the whole workd is witnessing this insanity. The physical manifestation of a man’s obsessions and madness. And that the humans in the Israeli army follow instructions is mindblowing here. It makes me question the nature of humanity.

And we feel so powerless.

And governments support this.

And I know it’s way more complicated than that - historically, ideologically, politically, economically, culturally.

But if it’s not about the quality of human life and the environment we live in, then what is it all for?

I think Isr@el should be made financially and physically responsible for the rebuilding of Palestine. And for the effects on the global climate that are a result of their actions. Netanyahu should be on a ball-and-chain gang repairing this damage.


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Frightening but realistic vision of the implementation of a philosophy of the worst, coming from the sick brains of incurable psychopaths who perverted a large part of the population now acquired their manic delirium.

One thing is sure, the evil is too deep, the cure illusory, only the disappearance of this evil entity could put an end to this abomination...

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My frustration, as a conservative, is convincing my conservative neighbors that Israel is objectively a war criminal enterprise.

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I have wondered at how coward the IOF soldiers are since they don't fight Hamas where it would make sense namely in the tunnels. Instead they hope that 2000 pound bombs can destroy tunnels 50 meters below ground Level, which is of course BS. These bombs are good for killing hundreds of civilians and may be but only may be a Hamas operative. The Israelis have known about the existence of the tunnels for decades and have put very little effort to develop a strategy to combat Hamas in the tunnels

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The tunnels are death traps. Hamas know them inside out, and other commentators have said the IDF would be committing suicide if they went into the tunnels on a fishing expedition. They only go into the tunnels when they are pretty sure they're clear, otherwise they could be ambushed and pinned down.

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Sep 8Liked by Alon Mizrahi


"Palestinians are never looked upon as people first, but only as would-be terrorists. Sorry, not even that, because terrorists may have political objectives in mind, whereas, in Western propaganda, Palestinians want nothing but to kill. Israel's demonization of an entire people succeeded beyond all expectations."


"No country in memory defined victory as killing every member of its enemy’s military, regimes, and any formal establishment, and everyone within a blast radius around them. It is a unique Israeli invention. And no country since WW2 demonized an entire people with such international success. The guiltier the more accusatory, and the more murderous."

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The worst of it all, for me , is how the tormentor not only plays the victim, but projects his own multiple and disgusting crimes and sins on its victims!

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Truly deranged

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Sep 8Liked by Alon Mizrahi

Dick Cheney is now supporting Harris and Trump has a pro-[send-more-weapons-to-israel] as VP. It pretty much seems mayhem and death is Gaza's manifest destiny —at least in the short term. And it's a f***ing shame.

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Sep 8·edited Sep 9Liked by Alon Mizrahi

"Destroying Hamas" or whatever isn't even possible and we see that on a daily basis. Talking straight militarily now, the IOF is too incompetent, arrogant and so far failed tactically. They created conditions that are perfect for any resistance to fight them. They may murder another 40 000 civilians (God knows how many killed by now, be sure it's more than 40k) they may destroy even more civilian infrastructure and make Gaza an apocalyptic hellhole, but they can not militarily defeat the resistance.

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I just listened to Burmese genocide scholar, Dr. Maung Zarni describe Israel and Palestine after his recent trip there. It's worth listening to the over 20 minutes of him describing what he saw. https://x.com/i/status/1832506169715212540

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Thank you for this absolutely necessary analysis.

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Sep 8Liked by Alon Mizrahi

In todays doublespeak murder is defense and war will bring peace. Those who see clearly and wish for an end to violence are anti-Semitic and terrorist sympathizers and Jews who speak out are self hating.

Never again is until they are all destroyed.

What madness is this that we must remain silent while the crime of the century continues in plain sight with the support of the wealthiest most powerful nation on the planet?!

When are we going to wake up and see the obvious?

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America allows it to happen to displace their hatred of the blacks.

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I think it's coming apart, though slower than we want it to

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