Involuntarily Committed into the Zionist Asylum (for Being Normal)
The can be no overstating the scope and intensity of the sick experiment of trying to legitimize Zionism and all its abhorrent, clearly visible, pathological criminality
A couple of days ago I uploaded a video to YouTube, in which I explained how the world-famous kiss on the heads of Hamas members, and the moment itself, symbolized Israel’s utter and complete failure in its genocide. The video was removed by the platform, and I realized I had to write this text
We are seeing it, but they are telling us it is not there.
We are watching the ethnic cleansing, but they are calling it self-defense.
We are witnessing the dead babies on the destroyed and abandoned hospital beds, still connected to pipes that could offer them no more oxygen, nutrition, or care (where are your parents, babies? What has become of your siblings?). They are paddling a narrative of fictitious terrorist headquarters.
We know the maps - they are just a couple of clicks away - but they won’t talk about it.
We have scrolled more human agony and despair than we had ever imagined possible before the genocide. But they sanitize it - us - from existence.
Instead, they report a rise in antisemitism, the code word for more government bullying, censorship, and intimidation; for forced desensitization and dehumanization on a civilizational scale, in support of open genocide.
Everything is exposed. It is there. We’re looking at it. But they lie, deflect, and deny, eying us menacingly all the time, like a monster from a children’s book.
The broken man looking for his 4 children under the rubble is right there in our living room. We can see every pain-filled tear in his eyes and every horror-induced sweat bead running down his tormented temples in perfect detail, and sense how only the thinnest thread still connects him to the world of the living, (barely, barely).
But they are there, too, accompanied by police (uniforms only, no faces), and they forbid us to talk to him and to offer him our stupid, useless tears of shared humanity - the thing we once considered the crown jewel of our existence. The miserable least we can do, as we collapse inward, overtaken by the terrible sounds of the skies breaking: a father lost his 4 children here.
We must not see, hear, feel, smell, or - god and the community guidelines forbid - touch.
We are forcibly hospitalized and virtually tied to a bed in a Zionist insane asylum. That’s what’s happened to us.
Tell me I’m wrong.
What function do Western governments fulfill other than enforcing Zionist mind control and genocide compliance?
What do Western governments even do these days except ‘defending Israel‘? What’s being done? Where is society going? What vision is there to guide people? What do political establishments fight for? What do they seek to inspire?
What are they doing, I mean really doing in a committed, deliberate manner, with even the slightest bit of intentionality?
From Australia to Canada, Israel, defending Israel and antisemitism is all you hear about. It’s like nothing else exists. Dozens of states in the US have passed laws that oblige people to swear allegiance to Israel as a condition for basically everything; practically qualifying their citizens’ rights by support for Zionism.
Israel is the only sovereign, and there is no sovereignty but Israel.
Popular culture in the US is trying to fake some interest in this or that celebrity idiocy, but everybody knows it’s pretend: nothing exists but Israel, its genocide, and the terror it instills people with, which causes them to shut up and act like nothing happens.
Involuntarily committed into a Zionist psychiatric ward, that’s what citizens of the West are.
The video YouTube removed
Nothing was ever more Orwellian
The fact that we are being forced to withstand, against our will and better judgment, an endless barrage of Zionist propoganda violently, as it is being forcibly shoved down our throats day and night through an airtight Zionist control of the media.
The fact that every incident, every horror, and atrocity we see in HD, slow motion and political context gets to be Zionsplained in the media and by the media as well as the entire Western established class.
The fact that common sense and normal human emotions are brutally, mercilessly, incessantly vilified, distorted, and criminalized at the service of openly practiced evil, as they seek to turn our very sanity and functioning psychology into a weapon against ourselves; in the Zionist asylum, your immediate and unconditional protectiveness of children becomes a gun you point at yourself: if you use it you’re dead. They will come after you (claiming to be your victims).
The fact that force is used against us - and you know it is - to function normally, that is: to acknowledge, personally, that their barbarism is actually moral, and that we’re powerless to do anything about it.
The fact that they murder innocent people in the tens of thousands, and act like they believe they have the power to block any political, moral or psychological processing of this information.
The fact that they force, through their army of liars for pay, a discussion about the bully as the victim and the victim as a bully, even though the whole world knows the truth.
We are institutionalized in a Zionist crazy people’s home.
The biggest psychological experiment in human history
When I look at what Zionism and its deranged and profoundly immoral proponents try to achieve, what comes to mind are some very well-known psychological experiments carried out in the sixties and seventies.
See, unlike any other genocidal and psychotic political movement in memory, Zionism is not denounced in the world that we know; it is celebrated, and political and cultural establishments force-feed it to creatures they call ‘citizens’, but treat as if they were farm animals or worse.
You cannot oppose or resist Zionist propoganda in much of the West: it is a mandatory civilizational element in your top-down political indoctrination or socialization, and that’s true for more than a billion people.
And it is not marked as propoganda: it is served as just reality, or life. And it is presented as so basic, so essential, that raising doubts about it makes you an enemy of life on earth, as it were: opposing Zionism in the West (and much of the ‘Arab‘ world) is like threatening to shake the foundations of society. It is alarming, dangerous, and cruel. It will get you rebuked, censored, demoted, gasped at, and frowned upon, if not arrested and disposed of altogether.
Opposing Zionism in the West makes you the equivalent of a Palestinian under Israeli rule: your country must occupy, colonize, and monitor you, and inspect your every move and secret drawer. Zionism is the heart of hearts in the West - and the fact that it is butchering innocent people and committing undeniable war crimes does not harm its status - on the contrary! It elevates it!
If this is not the world’s greatest psychological experiment in coercion and forced absurdity, I don’t know what is.
But being more Kafkaesque than Kafka’s actual writing, however psychologically destabilizing as it may be, is not even the most sinister part of our political reality.
When Milgram conducted his shock experiment in August 1961, or when Philip Zimbardo oversaw the Stanford prison experiment the aim was not to destroy the moral character of students; it was to find out just how far people would go when instructed by authority to play a certain tole.
Similarly, when Solomon Asch worked on his conformity experiments and method in the 1950s, his goal was not to break people’s belief in their perception but to learn how vulnerable our perception can be to peer pressure.
What Zionism does incorporates lessons from those experiments but with added insidiousness and malice, designed to corrupt and deform our judgment, sense of self, and very humanity.
Zionism and the way it is being forced upon us everywhere, all the time, while purporting to deliver a message that is in stark contrast to what we clearly see, grasp, and judge, aspires also, at the same time, to completely rewrite the code of good and evil for humans, as it promotes values, perspective, and practices that are blatantly, profoundly antithetical to morality as we, as a species, have known it.
This should be preserved in some sort of anthology. What a piece, Alon.
Spot on. Israel is like the Stanford Prison Experiment on crank (aka shitty meth).